We are delighted that Professor Mike Rivington from James Hutton Institute in Aberdeen has agreed to provide the opening keynote talk at CPNB24 on 'Climate change impacts on land: a north-south divide'.
We are delighted to update the draft schedule for CPNB24 on December 20th 2023! It is already a very interesting schedule, although we encourage additional submissions that feature Potato research!
Keynote Speakers confirmed.
James Brosnan is Director of Research at the 'The Scotch Whisky Research Institute
Ewen Mullins is the Head of Crop Science Department at Teagasc. https://www.teagasc.ie/contact/staff-directory/m/ewen-mullins/
Click for more details!
November 1st is Abstract submission deadline for submission of Oral and Poster presentations at CPNB24.
We are happy to receive a 'place-holder' submission with a title by that time so that we cabn set the schedule for the meeting. The complete abstract can be submitted later in 2023.
Please submit here -> https://www.aab.org.uk/conferences/submit-an-abstract-for-cpnb-2024/
We are delighted to announce that Lorna Slater, Scottish Government Minister for Green Skills, Circular Economy and Biodiversity will give a talk in the Ag and the Environment Session in the morning of February 27th.
More invited speakers to be announced soon.