Abstract submission is via the website of the Association of Applied Biologists.
Abstract submission is open for both oral and poster presentations. The submission deadline is November 1st. Submitted abstracts not selected for oral presentations will likely be asked to provide a poster presentation. Oral presentations will be between 10-20minutes in length. All poster presenters will be offered the opportunity to record a short 1-2minute introduction to their poster that will be played during the meeting and circulate to all delegates.
We offer the opportunity for all delegates to submit an abstract of up to 1000 words which can contain up to two figures. However we are more than happy for authors to submit a 'simple' abstract of ~300 words. By November 1st we are happy to receive submission of an 'abstract-placeholder' before submission of the full abstract early in 2024.
Submision should be made via a Word file that can be downloaded here.
Please adhere to the formatting guidleines as greatly this helps the organisation of the schedule and abstract book.
Submit an abstract here
Abstract submission deadlines:
Abstract Submission Deadline: November 1st